(905) 672-9911

Welcome to Burton Meats Inc.

Fundraising Program

We are very excited to be a partner with you in reaching your Team’s financial goals.


We believe that team sports is an essential part of our youth growth and development.

We anticipate that this program will aid in relieving the very heavy financial cost of team sports. Burton Meats is committed to providing your team with Restaurant quality meats, at very reasonable prices to ensure easy team sales with a great return. Your team will make ten dollars on every box sold.

There is a 50 box minimum.


Fundraising Program Process

Fill out our Fundraiser Form. You will then receive an email providing you with your custom code that you can provide to your team along with the link to our Fundraiser Store.

Each family can then place their orders and apply the code at check out.

On the agreed upon delivery date Burton Meats will provide a cheque with the amount that you have raised for your team.

Delivery Schedule

Once orders are received, Burton Meats will contact the Team Manager to schedule a delivery date.

Location Delivery

Burton Meats will deliver to your preferred location such as Arenas, Soccer Field, Dance Studios etc.

Item Sortation

Burton Meats will sort all orders by player name and number to make for an easy pick up.

Receive a $100 Credit!

If your team refers anyone to us for a fundraiser your team will receive a $100 credit that can be used at a later date in our retail or online store. For example, a team BBQ, Christmas Party, etc…

Join Us Today

Contact Us

If further information is required, please feel free to contact us at anytime.

Contact Person

Magda Orr

Phone Number


Email Address

© Copyright © 2024 Burton Meats Inc. | Wholesale | Dry Age at it’s Finest.